Hand engraved crystal & glass gifts, keepsakes and artwork in the Medford, Oregon area.
ENGRAVING ON: Crystal & Glass

William “Bill” Froehlich
“32 Bit Bill”
Hi, everyone. My name is William Froehlich. Most people call me Bill. I began engraving in 2006. Using a high speed engraver called the paragraver, I began creating custom engraved crystal and gourds. Later I expanded into eggs, knives, wood and gunstocks. I couldn’t believe the amazing things that I could do with such a little tool and a lot of practice. Engraving has provided a voice for the creative side of me. Following retirement as a police officer, I have now dedicated myself full-time to the art of engraving. Creating of a positive nature is most fulfilling after years of being exposed to more negative than positive life situations.
I was born and raised with the white beaches and ocean shores of Connecticut and Virginia as my playground. After serving in the Navy, I became restless to see more of this great country. My love of nature and a desire for more open space pushed me west to the Rocky Mountains of Idaho, Utah and the Pacific Northwest. Whether we are camping, fishing, hiking, hunting, horseback riding, or picture taking, you’ll find us enjoying the scenery. The majesty and beauty of nature in these environments provides the inspiration for many of our engraving projects.

Sharon Froehlich
“Idaho Annie Rose”
Hi everyone. I am Sharon. I started creating designs about a year after Bill. He felt it would be good therapy for me following a severe car accident that ended my nursing career. I suffer from a Traumatic Brain Injury. As a result, I didn’t believe that I would ever be able to contribute much to anything ever again. However, with Bill’s encouragement and an amazing high-speed engraving tool, the para-graver, and the GraverMach AT system from GRS, engraving has opened a whole new world of creativity and fulfillment that I’ve never enjoyed before. I love expressing myself this way. It has had a healing effect upon my mind that has helped me and given me more direction and self-value.
I grew up on a dairy farm in southeastern Idaho. It helped me to understand the value of hard work; a love of all things in nature; a trust in and respect for mankind; and an unfailing belief in God. These concepts keep me going on days when things are tough and on days when things are glorious. So, as Bill has already said, we have incorporated these inspirations into our art.
We are very proud of the quality and variety of art that we are able to create. We hope you find it pleasing as well. We thank you for your patronage.
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